Prague, 14 March 1998


Dr Jean B l a n c o u

Director General

International Office of Epizootics (OIE)

12, Rue de Prony

75017  P a r i s  XVII



Ref.:OIE Documents - comments and recommendations



Dear Dr Blancou,


  following our discussion during my visit of the OIE HQs in July last year, I have elaborated several comments and suggestions to be considered when preparing next issue of some OIE documents.


  Selected recommendations were handed to Dr. Leos Celeda, Permanent Delegate to OIE and then I sent letters with more detailed proposals to Dr Reichard (on 15/12/1997) and to Dr Chillaud (on 16/12/97 and 10/1/98). Because I am not sure if the addressees have received these letters, I am sending copies of them to you for information and consideration.


  I would like to use this opportunity and express my concern about animal diseases globalization risk emerging with increasing globalization of trade in animals and their products. According to my opinion the measures for the protection of specific diseases free populations and territories under historically new conditions must be much more demanding and complex than any time before.


  This requires not only corresponding international norms, standards and much more reliable information but also very well staffed and equipped government veterinary services (including own diagnostic laboratories) supported by adequate legislation to be able to monitor and control effectively the country diseases situation at field level and to inspect consequentially the trade in animals and their raw products.


  Nobody wants the next generations to blame our generation for worsening of animal population health global situation with negative, not always reparable, multiplying and long-term up to lasting consequences. (This is not the case of all other commodities, i.e. of inanimate character).


           Yours sincerely,




                           Prof. Dr Vaclav  K o u b a, DrSc.


                                    P.B. 516

                                    17000 Prague 7

                                    Czech Republic     

Annex:   pages




