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EPIZOO: A Computer Software Package to be Used in Veterinary Public Health and Animal Disease Control


A computer software package, EPIZOO, has been developed specifically for analysis of information on animal health and diseases, including those transmissible to man. The software package includes indicators to analyse data on morbidity and mortality, geographical distribution, animal population characteristics, and dynamics of epizootics. It helps to prepare for investigations of animal population health and disease, to analyse diagnosis and consequences of illness, to design animal health programmes, to estimate costs and evaluate programmes. It also includes some sampling and other simple and practical statistical techniques.

It is written to facilitate information management for problem-solving, modelling, simulation studies and training in veterinary epidemiology and for action-oriented epidemiological analyses and decision-making. The EPIZOO version 3.2 fits onto one 1.4 megabyte diskette and can be used on IBM compatible personal computers with the MS-DOS operating system.

The software package, which was developed by Professor V. Kouba (B.P. 516, 17000 Prague 7, Czech Republic), is easy to use and does not require training or even a manual.

How to get the software package

Download this zipped file, epizoo.zip

 (412KB) and install locallyThe software is 1354 KB, in English only.

For further information, please contact us at: APH@who.int



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Last updated 18 October, 2001