VET. BRNO 2005, 74: 455-461
Public Service Veterinarians
Worldwide: a Quantitative Analysis
Chief, Animal Health Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations and Editor-in-Chief, FAO/WHO/OIE Animal Health Yearbook
first global analysis of public service professional veterinary manpower (government
veterinary officials at central and local levels) was based on available
quantitative data reported by individual countries to international
organizations. The analysis begins with a time series of reported number of
public service veterinarians starting in 1983 (65,930). In 2003 the number reached 209,888
representing 27.96 % of all reported veterinarians in the world. Average ratio private/public veterinarians was 1.7850 and average
ratio public/private veterinarians was 0.5602. Global average values per public
service veterinarian in 2000 were as
follows: 31,522 inhabitants, 13,368 people depending for their livelihood on
agriculture and 6,867 people economically active in agriculture; 680 km2
of land and 71 km2 of arable land; 6,923 cattle, 870 buffaloes, 313
horses, 5,421 sheep, 3,719 goats, 4,711 pigs and 74,581 chickens; 9,221
livestock units; slaughtered 1,445 cattle, 2,517 sheep, 1,024 goats and 6,026
pigs; production of 1,211 t meat, 2,551
t cow milk and 267 t hen eggs; internationally traded 43 cattle, 83 sheep, 80
pigs, 2 horses, 3,910 chickens and 120 t total meat. The analysis is
complemented by the examples of the countries with the highest number of public
service veterinarians,
with the highest ratio
private/public veterinarians and with
the highest average values of animal export per public service veterinarian.
The results documenting limited ability of public veterinary service to cope
with animal population health represent a basis for future comparative studies
in different territories.
The availability of competent professional veterinary manpower in
government services is of primary importance for the initiation and successful
application of strategies, measures and methods to promote, protect and restore
the health of animal populations and to
protect human population health against zoonoses. Public veterinary service is irreplaceable
driving force for effective transfer of scientific research results and of
accumulated experience into animal population health practice at territorial,
national and international levels. This paper tries to evaluate for the first
time global government professional veterinary manpower situation using
available data as reported by individual countries to international
organizations. The global information system on professional veterinary
manpower was established in 1983 within the framework of a joint venture
between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the
World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Office of Epizootics
(OIE). They produced the FAO/WHO/OIE Animal Health Yearbook published by the
FAO in
Materials and methods
This study employed available data on government
professional veterinary manpower published in relevant international
yearbooks (F A O 1983-1995, O I E 1996-2004). For the first
time global collecting and disseminating data on government professional
veterinary manpower was introduced by K o u b a 1983 when he was the
Editor-in-Chief of the FAO/WHO/OIE
Animal Health Yearbook and FAO
Animal Health Officer (Veterinary Intelligence). He divided original reporting
of “total number of veterinarians” into several categories including
“government veterinary officials at central and local levels” (hereafter
“public service veterinarians”). Simultaneously he introduced the collection of
data on the number of private veterinarians, veterinarians in laboratories,
universities and training institutions, of other veterinarians as well as of
data on the number of technical personnel (animal health assistants, animal
health auxiliaries and food hygiene technicians). Presented global analysis was
complemented by examples from the selected countries to facilitate the
comparison with other ones. The priority was given to main exporting countries
having the major influence on international trade representing potential
channel for animal disease export. For more
detailed analysis were used 2000 and 2003data according their availability.
Not all countries sent relevant reports for all the years in consideration
(examples see in Table 1). To obtain the most complete global data, the most
recent reports available from those countries were used to substitute the
missing information.
For the calculation of relative values of some indicators
was used FAO
Statistical Databases (F A O 2002) as
the source of data on farm animal populations, their production, land use, human
populations, international trade in animals and animal products. Following
indicators were selected:
- global growth of reported number of public service
veterinarians, private veterinarians and
total veterinarians during the period from 1983 to 2003 using differences in
absolute and relative values, time
series and the trend expressed by least squares regression line value;
- proportions of reported number in 2003 of public service veterinarians, private
veterinarians, veterinarians working in diagnostic and research laboratories
and in training/education institutions
as well as of other veterinarians (working outside of veterinary service,
retired, etc.); ratios between public service
and private veterinarians;
- global averages per one
public service veterinarian in the year 2000 using following criteria:
number of inhabitants, territory size, number of farm
animals, number of livestock units (using following conversion rates:
cattle = 0.7; buffalo = 1; horse = 1; mule/ass; = 0.8;
camel = 1.1; pig = 0.25; sheep 0.1; goat
= 0.1; chicken = 0.01), number of slaughtered farm animals, size of livestock
production, exported live animals (heads
and monetary value) and exported animal products (weight and monetary value).
The analysis is complemented by the identification of
the countries with the major number of public service veterinarians and by examples of
public veterinary service professional staff reduction. For data processing was
employed software package EPIZOO, version 4.0 (
For the calculation of the livestock units was used EPIZOO subprogramme 11.11.7
a) Total number
of reported veterinarians increased during 1983-2003 period by 252 % (from
240,404 to 605,306) while public service veterinarians only by 128 % (from
65,930 to 150,429) and private veterinarians by 339 % (from 79,036 to 267,831). Detailed time series see in Table 1. The
1983-2003 trend of reported number of public service veterinarians expressed in
time series regression line (least squares method) was y = - 7057007.5 + 3607.48 x with correlation coefficient = 0.8302.
The trend of reported number of private veterinarians expressed in time series
regression line was y = - 20035214 +
10147.45 x with correlation coefficient = 0.9630. Global growth of the
number of public service veterinarians was relatively very slow when
considering that much more intensive government supervision and much more
rigorous preventive and disease control measures were required due to rapid
increase of the trade in animals and animal products facilitating the spread and
globalization of communicable diseases (K o u b a 2003).
b) Global number
of public service veterinarians reported by individual countries for the year
2003 (including the most recently available figures for those countries which
did not submit actual reports) reached 209,888 (27.96 % of all reported
veterinarians in the world). The reported number of veterinarians employed at
laboratories, universities and training institutions was 77,439 (10.32 %) and reported number of veterinarians in
private service reached 374,645 (49.90 %). See Table 2. Reported number of
public service veterinarians in selected countries significantly influencing
the global values see in Table 3. Among the countries with highest reported
number belonged
c) Global ratios
between numbers of public service veterinarians and private veterinarians reported in 2003 reached following values:
ratio public/private veterinarians = 0.5602 and ratio private/public veterinarians =
1.7850. Ratio public/total veterinarians = 0.2796 and ratio total/public
veterinarians = 3.5769. Ratio of public
veterinarians to veterinarians in laboratories, universities and training
institutions reached 2.7104 and inverse ratio was 0.3690. Among the countries
with the major value of ratio private/public veterinarians belonged:
d) Global
average numbers of inhabitants and size
of land area per one public service veterinarian in the year 2000 were as
follows: 31,522 inhabitants; 13,368 people depending for their livelihood on
agriculture; 6,867 people economically active in agriculture; 680 km2
of land; 71 km2 of arable land suitable for crop production and 7 km2
of land under permanent crop cultivation.
e) Global
average numbers of animals per one public service veterinarian in the year 2000
were as follows: 6,932 cattle, 870 buffaloes, 313 horses, 5,421 sheep, 3,719
goats, 4,711 pigs and 74,581 chickens. Global average number of livestock
units per one public service
veterinarian was 9,221. Among the
countries with the highest average number of livestock units per one public
service veterinarian belonged
f) Global
average numbers of animals slaughtered in abattoirs during the year 2000 per
one public service veterinarian were as follows: 1,445 cattle, 2,517 sheep,
1,024 goats and 6,026 pigs. Among the countries with the highest average number
of slaughtered farm animals per one public service veterinarians belonged New Zealand (17,210 cattle, 160,144 sheep and 3,779 pigs =
181,133 animals), Australia (17,059
cattle, 62,203 sheep and 9,890 pigs = 93,152 animals), USA (16,780
cattle, 1,575 sheep and 43,797 pigs = 62,152 animals), Netherlands (6,330
cattle, 2,140 sheep and 52,292 pigs = 60,763 animals) and South African
Republic (10,739 cattle, 42,450 sheep and 7,202 pigs = 60,391 animals).
g) Global
average volume of livestock production during the year 2000 per one public
service veterinarian was as follows: 1,211 tonnes (t) of total meat, 295 t
beef/veal, 40 t mutton/lamb, 20 t goat meat, 467 t pig meat, 230 t poultry
meat, 2,551 t cow milk and 267 t hen
eggs. Among the countries with the highest average of produced meat per one
public service veterinarian belonged
h) Global
average number and monetary value of internationally traded live animals during
the year 2000 per one public service veterinarians were as follows: 43 cattle
(US$ 21,617), 83 sheep (US$ 4,126), 80 pigs (US$ 6,638), 2 horses (US$
9,226) and 3,910 chickens (US$ 4,029). Among the countries with the highest
average monetary value of exported animals per one public service veterinarian
i) Global
average volume and monetary value of internationally traded animal products
during the year 2000 per one public service veterinarian were as follows: 120 t
total meat and meat products (US$ 232,819), 10 t beef/veal (US$ 20,028), 5 t
mutton/lamb (US$ 11,286), 12 t pork (US$ 18,638) and 31 t chicken meat (US$ 31,609).
Among the countries with the highest average monetary value of exported meat
per one public service veterinarian belonged
j) Countries
where monetary value of exported animals and animal products in 2000 was higher
than one million US$ per one public service veterinarian: New Zealand –
14,783,812; Netherlands – 14,480,214; Australia – 8,285,069; Denmark –
7,372,482; France – 6,207,885; Canada –
5,535,061; USA – 3,728,074; United Kingdom – 2,128,801 and Germany – 1,776,298.
(Tab. 5).
k) Comparative
analyses of data between different years demonstrated that in many countries
public service professional veterinary staff was reduced. Examples: Australia (1989 – 821; 2003 – 512), Brazil (
2001 – 15,260; 2003 – 2,867), Canada (1984 – 1080; 2003 – 664), Indonesia ( 1998 – 2,675; 2003 – 735), Kenya
( 1996 – 1,053; 2003 – 531), Spain (
2000 – 6,936; 2003 - 2,248) and USA (
1995 – 4,323; 2003 – 2,782).
Not all reported data were complete and
systematically updated. Therefore, the results have to be understood as the
estimates, however very approximate to the reality. The paper is dedicated to
global aspects complemented by examples from selected countries. The average
values of selected indicators reflect,
to certain extent, the workload and
responsibility of government veterinary officials and their ability to cope
with particular animal health tasks and problems. The role of these
professionals is to protect the interests of the whole society which is
different to profit-oriented private veterinarians.
Due to the fact that this kind of global
analysis is historically the first one, it could not be compared with any similar
analysis in previous literature contributions. On the other hand, there were published many papers
dealing only with local analyses of
public veterinary services. In this context they can be mentioned O I E 2003 compendia, one on veterinary service organization and one on
veterinary institutions, papers of O z a
w a, C h a n g, Y o s h i d a and M i c h i n o 2003 providing examples from
developed countries and R w e y e m a m
u and
A s t u d i l l o 2003 commenting
on the situation in developing world. These publications support indirectly the
results of presented analysis confirming critical shortage of professional
veterinary manpower in public services. Without sufficient number of government
veterinary officials the national veterinary services cannot cope effectively
with animal population health protection, disease surveillance, control,
reduction and eradication as well as with national and international trade to
avoid pathogens spreading. Weak public service, when comparing average values
of relevant indicators per one public service veterinarian, is logically unable
to cope adequately with its animal health problems and to supervise effectively
all accredited private veterinarians and laboratories. Without systematic
control of accredited
veterinarians and laboratories cannot be expected consistent and reliable
implementation of their activities on behalf of government (e.g. issuing health
guaranteeing documents for export). In many countries, instead of strengthening
public veterinary services, the number of their professionals was reduced in
spite of steadily increasing needs, size and complexity of the problems related
with animal health programmes, food hygiene and rapidly developing national and
international animal trade. Not always independent and trustworthy private accredited
veterinarians cannot fully replace public service in carrying out all multiplex
duties on behalf of the government (G r i f f i t h s and K
o n i g s h o f e r 1974, F A O 1991). Of particular concern are relatively
very weak public veterinary services in some exporting countries being unable
to control effectively the trade and to guarantee the export of only healthy
animals and pathogen-free animal products and thus to avoid international disease
spread. The analysis documents critical situation in public veterinary service
facilitating the globalization of communicable diseases due to their spreading through insufficiently
controlled international trade (K o u b a
2003). Territorial, national and international animal health programmes and the applications of research results cannot be successfully carried
out at animal population level without necessary number of properly managed
competent public service veterinarians.
It is difficult to perform any objective comparison among individual countries. The quantitative criteria without the consideration of qualitative aspects cannot reflect fully public veterinary service ability to cope with their problems. For this purpose it should be taken into account also many different aspects such as: animal and human disease situation and programmes; public health, economic, ecologic, trade and social conditions; public veterinary service development, its staff size and structure, workload (incl. proportions of field and administrative activities), diagnostic and other facilities, material, financial and legal support, management and organization; size and structure of national and international trade in animals and their products, etc.
The results of this analysis can provide a departure basis for comparative studies when assessing the trend and ability of public veterinary services to cope with animal health problems, when planning future veterinary manpower development and for identifying future educational and research needs. Using the year 2000 at the turning point between decades and centuries will facilitate these studies.
Note: More
information in
FAO 1956-1995: FAO/WHO/OIE Animal Health
Yearbook. FAO,
FAO 1991: Guidelines for strengthening animal health
services in developing countries. FAO,
FAO 2002: Statistical Databases (FAOSTAT). FAO,
KOUBA, V. (Editor) 1983: FAO/WHO/OIE Animal Health
Yearbook, FAO,
KOUBA, V. 2003: Globalization of Communicable Diseases
of Animals – A Crisis of Veterinary Medicine. Acta Vet. Brno, 72: 453-460 (
KOUBA, V. 2003: Quantitative analysis of global
veterinary human resources. Rev. sci. tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 2003, 22 (3), 899-908
OIE 1996-2004: World Animal Health (yearbook). OIE,
OIE 2003: Veterinary Services: organization, quality
assurance, evaluation. 22(2), 309 pp.
OIE 2003: Veterinary institutions in the developing
world: current status and future needs. 23(1),
401 pp.
The present and future organization of Veterinary Services in
RWEYEMAMU, M.M. and ASTUDILLO, V.M. 2003: Global
perspectives for foot and mouth disease control . 21 (3): 765-773.
Table 1
Number of total, government and private veterinarians in the world as reported
during 1983-2003
Reports Reported number of
veterinarians Missing
major countries
Total Government Private
116 240404 65930 79026
136 260711 96372 81581 C,U
151 289969 100057 104679 C,U
154 310441 110577 107957 C,U
160 333424 118909 124426 C,U
165 359501 125087 138481 C,U
166 383933 130782 145317 C,U
165 403924 120642 166545 C,U
169 436701 132342 185615 C,U
156 417463 128662 181908 C,Russia(R)
135 552331 144888 228697 R,France
110 520263 141317 215676 R
132 565500 154126 229956 R
140 524342 151529 206761 C,R
152 527074 125173 219692 C,R
145 530626 153995 226699 C,R
128 490668 156344 212286 C,R,USA
136 548660 149561 260923 C,R
144 574824 133035 271494 C,R
174 645727 196783 306135 R
150 605306 150429 267831 C,R
Table 2
Global number of veterinarians in public service, private service and laboratories/universities
and training institutions as reported in 2003, eventually in previous
Category Number reported in 2003 % Number reported in 2003 %
eventually in previous years
Public service 150,429 24.85 209,888 27.96
service 267,831 44,25 374,645 49.90
Labor./training 62,309 10,29 77,439 10.32
Others 124,737 20.61 88,727 11.82
Total 605,306 100.00 750,699 100.00
Table 3
Order list of the countries with major number of public service veterinarians as reported in
2003, eventually in previous years
Order Country Number % of all public Ratio Ratio
vet. in world public/total public/private
4 Japan 8,106 3.85 0.2638 0.4804
Note: Data from
Table 4
Order list of the countries with the highest value of the ratio private/public veterinarians in
Order Country
Number of public % of all
public Number of private % of all private Ratio
veterinarians vet. in world veterinarian vet. in world private/public
1 Bulgaria 99 0.047 1,719 0.4588 17.3636
5 Unit. Kingdom 923 0.440 9,945 2.6545 10.7747
Tab. 5
Average values of annual animal export, animal populations and livestock units per one
public service veterinarian in the major
exporting countries, 2000
Country Export values in
------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Total Animals Meat
Milk cattle sheep pigs
Unit.Kingdom 2,128,801 148,567 1,235,647 745,587 11,179 38,657 8,180