Second letter (first letter attached)


TOP GLOBAL IMPORTANCE!                                                                                                                     

                                                                                                               Prague, 29 March 2016

Mr Ban Ki-moon


United Nations Organization      

1 Av.,  42-48 St.

New York, NY 10017



Re: Factor of humankind self-destruction - irreparable global spreading of communicable disease pathogens through international trade

Dear Sir,

    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that globalization era starting two decades ago has brought irreparable global spreading of communicable disease pathogens through international trade. Almost one fifth of known animal infection pathogen species are transmissible to humans. Invisible pathogens (identifiable only by laboratory investigations) are able to reproduce and to spread territorially as well as to the next generations. Import of pathogens is relatively easy but their early detection and eradication are extremely difficult if not impossible. For post-import pathogen spread it can be sufficient to import only one infected animal or one unit of infected animal product depending on communicability of the etiological agents and on exposure of susceptible population. The pathogens are spreading through international trade as never before when the trade used to be of much minor size and intensity at much shorter distances to much lesser number of destination localities. Imported pathogens of different importance contribute to steadily increasing incalculable numbers of suffering diseased and prematurely dead humans and animals. Huge daily flow of exported non-pathogen-free animal commodities, not being blocked by any effective counter-measures, conduces to permanent deterioration of global sanitary situation in spite of having much more scientific information than before. Global spread of pathogens through trade has already become irreparable. The man-made global spread of pathogens with continuous multiplying sanitary, economic, ecological and social consequences represents a disaster contributing to shortening survival of many animal kingdom species, including gradual self-destruction of humankind!


Sanitary requirements for international trade in animals and their products are regulated by World Trade Organization (WTO) (Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures – SPS) and Office International of Epizootics (OIE) (Animal Health Codes: without any official approval by member country governments; changed annually). None of them requires exported animal commodities to be of full sanitary quality, i.e. to be free of pathogens. Both inter-governmental organizations (outside UN) support unilaterally the exporting countries at the expense of health/life in the importing ones that are not self-sufficient in animal production (mostly developing ones) and thus contribute to worldwide man-made global pathogen spreads through “legal” trade. Which government responsible for national sanitary situation would consciously and voluntarily (without pressure, threat or corruption) agree with importing pathogens? Who would like to be voluntarily exposed to pathogens? Both organizations trying to avoid requirements for pathogen-free animal commodity use different “tricks”, e.g. concealing to importing country governments and public the truth about risks and consequences, disinformation, falsely “justifying” pathogen import, abolishing reports on infection introductions, minimizing information on infection occurrence, abusing risk assessment method, exploiting absurd reduction of public animal health services etc.. For example: Background information for WTO/SPS approval at ministerial meeting in 1994 concealed risks and consequences of pathogen global spread (= trickery); very attractive was preamble text “Desiring to improve the human health, animal health ...” although in the document there was no one provision leading to health improvement (= lie). Confused governments approved it within a package of documents as a condition sine qua non for WTO membership (= threat).

Both organizations reduced considerably sanitary conditions (“to facilitate trade”) instead of making trade standards more demanding. Former OIE Code recommendations for minimal protection of importing country health („to avoid the risk of spreading animal diseases“) were converted into maximal limits (“Import risk analysis is preferable to a zero risk approach.”). Previous principle to avoid the risk of pathogen spreading was replaced by supporting trade to the detriment of health/life in the importing countries. The WTO/SPS de facto converted OIE Code recommendations into obligatory limits not permitting importing countries to require better protection or full sanitary innocuousness without convincing “scientific justification” (= international dictate).


Both organizations, in spite of strongly emphasizing “scientific approach”, ignore that pathogen species (types, subtypes and strains) represent biological phenomena of immense complexity, diversity and dynamics. They ignore pathogen reproduction/spreading/resistance and mutation abilities. They ignore: enormous number of animal infections mostly not notifiable, not reported and not controlled; new emerging pathogens; subclinical pathogen carriers; diagnostic test false negative results etc..  They ignore: that every animal commodity export/import case is different under different conditions and that every country has different multi-etiological sanitary situation; that real occurrence of the majority of animal infections in exporting countries is unknown  (ad hoc reporting only); exporting country loss of motivation and ability for infection eradications as well as for effective supervision of attest issuing non-public veterinarians; importing country inability to detect in time and eradicate all imported pathogens; influence of human factor etc.. They ignore conflict of interest: supranational and exporting country traders seeking to maximize profits also at the expense of sanitary quality c o n t r a importing country governments, consumers and farmers requiring innocuous commodities (i.e. private contra public sectors). They ignore irreparable consequences of their common “trade/profit over health/life” policy conducing also to the loss of too many infection eradications achieved by previous generations. Their policy is in full contrast to global sustainable development efforts.


Both organizations deprive the importing countries of freedom to reject commodity having no sanitary harmlessness guarantee. The main tool to “disarm” importing countries requiring better protection than indicated in reduced OIE “standards” is represented by abused „import risk assessment“. In these cases the importing countries are required to present exporting ones written convincing “scientifically documented” import risk assessment (unimaginable in any other trade commodity) according to OIE methodology. Both organizations ignore that import risk is a not quantifiable multi-factorial biological phenomenon. WTO/OIE policy does not require quality guarantee documents (unimaginable in any other commodity), i.e. to guarantee sanitary innocuousness. Veterinarians issuing “sanitary attests” do not guarantee pathogen-free status (= without responsibility) and therefore importer claims, in case of pathogen import, have no chance of success. The importers, consumers and farmers not knowing real multi-etiological sanitary status must pay as for pathogen-free commodities.


The OIE abolished global information system on infection introductions and thus making impossible to analyze pathogen global spreading through international trade. It reduced ad absurdum reports on the occurrence of infections, abolished their numeric classification and grouping according to importance and thus providing importing countries quite insufficient and confusing information for normal multi-etiological risk assessment to avoid pathogen import. Almost in all exporting countries a big part of internationally reportable animal infections are not notifiable, i.e. their occurrence is unknown. Supporting pathogen spread is in stark contrast to the only duty of the OIE - protection against animal infections.


Under the pressure of some global financial organizations (e.g. World Bank, International Monetary Fund etc.) too many governments drastically restricted their budget. Irreplaceable role of governments in national health protection was minimized which resulted in an absurd reduction of their animal health services (staff, laboratories, resources, etc.). These governments have lost the ability to control international trade directly on-the-spot, to investigate animal commodities to be exported and to issue sanitary guarantee certificates themselves (instead of less reliable and more prone to corruption private veterinarians) as well as to eradicate infections. Illegal trade is out of the control. WTO/OIE policy “model”, supporting profiting exporters regardless of pathogen import impacts, influences the trade within individual countries and within country blocks without controlling internal borders and thus global consequences are significantly multiplied. Internationally organized spread of pathogens represents global continuous biological terror (inexcusable global crime) which impacts (epidemics) multiply in place and time. It belongs among humanity self-destruction factors contributing to gradual extinction of Homo sapiens as a biological species.


The support must be given to international fair trade in sanitary innocuous pathogen-free food and infection-free animals, as required by paying importing countries, based on bilateral agreements without any external interference, international dictate or arbitration threat.  The governments responsible for national health protection must have the right to decide on import sanitary conditions themselves. Global trade liberalization cannot mean freedom for pathogen spreading. I hope that nobody wants our generation to be blamed for leaving life on our planet in a much worse sanitary state than “inherited”.

To start blocking global spread of pathogens through “legal” trade requires all WTO and OIE provisions admitting and supporting their export to be immediately abolished! The decisions on international trade sanitary conditions (“standards”) influencing global health and life cannot be left on a small group of outside-UN-officials, originated mostly from major exporting countries dominating both organizations. Starting effective global anti-epizootic actions requires entire inter-governmental agenda against animal infections to be concentrated without any delay at one place only within an organization historically responsible for the protection of global population health and lives, i.e. United Nations Organization! Its first purpose, as set forth in its Charter, is “to maintain international peace and security”. The global “security” means to protect health and lives of all the inhabitants in the world, i.e. to apply “health/life over trade/profit” policy. Therefore, the mentioned threat to the survival of humankind requires to be included among urgent priority problems dealt with at the highest level of the UN: Security Council. 


More information in annex.

I hope that this letter will not be left without any reaction as it happened with my letter to you on the same issue dated 25 July 2008. Please confirm receipt of the letter.




Yours sincerely,


                                   Prof. MVDr Václav Kouba, DrSc.

Formerly: Chief, Animal Health Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Roma; Veterinary Public Health Expert, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva; Information System Expert, International Office of Epizootics (OIE), Paris; Editor-in-Chief of trilingual worldwide FAO/WHO/OIE Animal Health Yearbook; Technical Vice-Director and Chief  Epizootiologist of Czechoslovak and Czech State Veterinary Service; Professor of Epizootiology, University of Veterinary Sciences, Brno



Haškova 7, 17000 Prague 7, Czech republic





Copy sent to:

Dr Margaret Chan, DG, World Health Organization

Dr José Graziano da Silva, DG, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations






























Irreparable global spread of pathogens and international trade – facilitating factors





The worldwide trade in non-pathogen-free animals and their products has led to irreparable global spread of animal infections. Among factors supporting this spread belong: countless pathogen species able to reproduce and spread horizontally and to the next generations causing immense number of sufferings and premature deaths of affected animals and humans; increasing long distance export of animals and their products due also to not requiring by relevant international organizations healthy and innocuous pathogen-free commodities; illegal export/import of animals and their products; deficiencies related to diagnosis of pathogen-free status; inability to discover all imported infections, to control and eradicate them; international sanitary certificates without pathogen-free guarantee; inability of public animal health services to control on the spot the international trade with animal commodities; minimum of successful animal infection eradications and absence of information about global spreading of pathogens to alert the countries in question. Huge daily flow of exported non-pathogen-free animal commodities conduces to permanent deterioration of global epizootiological situation. Irreparable man-made global spread of invisible pathogens with continuous multiplying sanitary, economic, social and ecological consequences represents a worldwide ecological disaster contributing to shortening life on Earth and survival of species, including self-destruction of humankind. Extraordinary existential significance requires international control of epizootics to be dealt with at the highest decision-making level of the United Nations Organization.



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Irreparable Global Spread of Pathogens and International Trade – Infection Monitoring





There is no systematic monitoring of global spreading of pathogens through international trade carried out by any organization regulating world-wide trade in animals and their products. A critical evaluation of the impact of international trade provisions on global pathogen spread is missing as well. Data related to this kind of analysis are no more internationally collected. However, information on animal infection occurrence is of paramount importance for decision-making on animal health import conditions based on pathogen introduction risk assessment considering first of all the epizootiological situation in exporting countries. Actual international animal health information system covers just a small part of known animal infections and provides much less information on their occurrence and epizootiological characteristics than before (except for a few selected emergency infections). It provides the importing countries zero or insufficient data for objective risk assessment to avoid pathogen introduction through international trade. Illegal export/import is not recorded in any information system. The globalization era trade requires much more efficient information system, including monitoring of global spread of pathogenic microflora through trade, as the basis for more effective international preventive and control anti-epizootic measures. There is an urgent need to re-establish animal health information system within the United Nations Organization as its inseparable component for follow-up execution of animal health technical assistance and global anti-epizootic programmes.



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Irreparable Global Spread of Pathogens and International Trade – Sanitary Requirements




Sanitary requirements for international trade in animals and their products are regulated by World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). None of them requires exported animal commodities to be of full sanitary quality, i.e. to be free of pathogens causing mass suffering and premature death of immense numbers of animals and humans. Both organizations using different methods try to avoid requirements of importing countries for pathogen-free animal commodity. They support the exporting countries at the expense of health in the importing ones that are not self-sufficient in animal production and thus contribute to worldwide man-made spreading of pathogens through “legal” trade. They ignore the global irreparable consequences of their common “trade over health” policy. They also deprive the importing countries of freedom to reject goods having no sanitary harmlessness guarantee. They ignore pathogen reproduction/spreading/resistance abilities and the fact that every case is different. Admitting pathogen spread is in stark contrast to the only duty of the OIE. It is therefore recommended: Documents and provisions supporting pathogen spread through “legal” international trade to be immediately abolished; to use and apply normal free market fair trade principles for animal commodities, i.e. full quality requirements based on demands of the importing country to avoid pathogen introduction and on bilateral agreement without any external interference. State animal health services must be significantly strengthened to be able to control international trade on-the-spot and organize infection control/eradication programmes. Modern action-oriented epizootiology methods have to be used. All intergovernmental anti-epizootic agenda should be concentrated in United Nations Organization and dealt with as a priority programme to protect global health and life.



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                                                                                                                                29 March 2016


Dr Margaret Chan


World Health Organization

Avenue Appia 20

CH-1211 Geneva 27



Re: Factor of humankind self-destruction - irreparable global spreading of communicable disease pathogens through international trade



Dear Madam,


please find attached a copy of my letter to Mr Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General, United Nations Organization about irreparable global spread of pathogens through “legal” international trade.


The purpose is you to be informed and to ask you for support of the proposals contained in the letter.


Yours sincerely,



                               Prof. MVDr Václav Kouba, DrSc.



Chief, Animal Health Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Roma, Italy




Haškova 7, 17000 Prague 7, Czech republic

















                                                                                                               Prague, 29 March 2016



Dr José Graziano da Silva


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Via delle Terme di Caracalla

00100 Roma



Re: Factor of humankind self-destruction - irreparable global spreading of communicable disease pathogens through international trade



Dear Sir,


please find attached a copy of my letter to Mr Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General, United Nations Organization about irreparable global spread of pathogens through “legal” international trade.


The purpose is you to be informed and to ask you for support of the proposals contained in the letter.


Yours sincerely,


                               Prof. MVDr Václav Kouba, DrSc.



Chief, Animal Health Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Roma, Italy




Haškova 7, 17000 Prague 7, Czech republic

















                              TOP IMPORTANCE !

                                                                                                                    Prague, 25 July 2008



Mr. Ban Ki-moon


United Nations Organization

1 Av., 42-48 St.

N e w   Y o r k, NY 10017




Re: Internationally organized spread of infectious diseases damaging global health, biosphere and UN programmes



Dear Mr. Ban Ki-moon,


first let me to congratulate you to the Nobel Peace Prize obtained by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), recognizing the United Nations Organization very important role in global environment protection. This fact has motivated me to write this letter conveying my serious worries about the future of our planet biosphere being damaged by man-made organized long distance spread and globalization of infectious diseases in world fauna. The pathogenic microflora represents an integral component of the  biosphere. I am writing as retired former officer responsible for UN animal health policy.


Animal infectious diseases


1. Animal infectious disease agents being spread through international trade have serious  negative impacts not only on global animal and human population health but also on global biosphere and on several UN programmes. Enormous quantity of non-infection-free animals and their products being daily transferred among the countries causes gradual irreparable colonization of our planet by  dangerous pathogenic microbes and parasites devastating its fauna. The number of affected animals and persons by imported animal infectious diseases is rapidly increasing reaching frightening size.


2. From about one thousand species of animal infectious diseases, caused by invisible pathogenic virus, rickettsia, bacteria, fungus and protozoa as well as by pathogenic helminths and arthropods   pathogens, almost two hundred are transmissible to man (zoonoses). Several tens of them can cause death in humans. Some of them belong to the list of biological weapons of mass destruction. We have to expect also the appearance of many new dangerous  animal infectious diseases.  The pathogens are able to survive  in infected beings and their populations, many also in the environment, to reproduce and spread not only territorially but also to  following generations of susceptible populations (= multiplying impact). It is not supposable that imported pathogens in animal and human populations will disappear naturally. When penetrating among wild animal populations then imported infectious disease can last up to particular population species territorial extinction. In one or very few days any animal infectious disease can be exported through infected animals or their products to any part of our planet. About 130 animal infectious diseases are internationally reportable (only two tens are zoonoses, similarly as in the OIE Code disease list). Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of the reports consists in “No information  available”.  (infectious diseases’ active screenings  have been minimized up to zero and therefore, numeric data are based on ad hoc reports only not reflecting at all the true occurrence of the infections).


3. The animal infectious diseases are spreading as never in the past when the trade used to be of much lesser size and intensity, at much shorter distances from much lesser number of localities to much lesser number of destination places, under much more demanding import sanitary conditions based on much more screening investigations, under much stricter control by much better staffed, equipped and organized government services and when the protection and recovery of population health were the priorities. On the other hand, the amount of scientific information has increased as never before. However,  the mass importation of infectious diseases is not compensated by their eradication; the number of successful eradications is close to zero. “Doing nothing” policy is linked also with the fact that imported infectious diseases are discovered too late or not at all = further free mass spreading in susceptible populations. The result is that the imported infections are continuously spreading without being blocked by eradication programmes. In the world no one animal infectious disease has been eradicated yet, in spite of almost one hundred years of  international efforts!


4. The exported animals and their products (meat in particular), without any sanitary guarantee of being infection/pathogen-free, go mostly from the major exporting developed countries to importing developing ones, i.e. exporting also, without any penalty, the animal infectious disease agents into often “defenceless” countries. In any case, the imported pathogens either worsen local sanitary situation due to quite new infections or aggravate specific infections’ occurrence, i.e. making more difficult existing local sanitary problems.


5. Actual change in global climate - global warming, create conditions for easier spreading of infectious diseases and cause major negative consequences than in the past.



Consequences of imported animal infectious diseases


6. Spreading infectious diseases through international trade has serious, up to catastrophic, ecological, economic, public health and social consequences of different forms, grades and size. Imported animal infection pathogens transmissible to man  cause diseases conducing to different consequences from suffering, partial and full working incapacity, partial and full invalidity, reproduction problems, sterility up to premature deaths of enormous  number of affected persons. In the poor  importing countries, with undernourished inhabitants and with minimum or zero resources to detect and control/eradicate imported infectious diseases, the impacts are much more harmful. The global numbers of diseased and dead  persons due to imported animal infectious diseases have been higher than due to recent wars and terrorism. In animal populations the imported infectious diseases cause different consequences from suffering, reduced up to zero utility (productivity), disturbed reproduction, sterility, premature culling up to premature natural deaths. The imported infectious diseases cause enormous losses in livestock husbandry and in production of food of animal origin damaging seriously economic and social  development, mainly in poor developing countries, and thus contributing  to actual global food supply crisis. The imported infectious diseases can “awaken” latent infections or pathologic changes in affected beings.


7. The imported infectious disease consequences have very negative impact on several United Nations programmes such as: of sustainable development, against poverty, against hunger, against bioterrorism; UNEP programmes of biosphere protection; WHO programmes of human health protection and recovery as well as of human welfare and consumer protection; FAO programmes of animal health protection and recovery, of livestock production, reproduction and genetic development as well as of animal welfare, etc.. The imported infectious diseases increase the requirements for the mentioned UN programmes’ inputs, decrease their outputs and devaluate previously achieved results. The imported infectious diseases seriously reduce relevant UN programmes’ effectiveness, i.e. wasting international resources and government/taxpayer money. Internationally organized infectious disease spreading is in full conflict of interest with above mentioned  UN  programmes.


8. Internationally organized long distance spreading of the infectious diseases represents a real and continuous bioterror (world public is deliberately not informed) = international crime affecting, including killing, enormous numbers of animals and humans. Internationally organized spreading of the infectious diseases causing in human population mass sufferings and premature deaths (= mass murders) is against the United Nations Universal Declaration of   Human Rights, Article 3: “Everyone has the right to life..”  Therefore, these irresponsible activities represent a crime against humanity.


9. Infectious disease spreading belongs among the factors of man-made damaging our planet ecological and biological equilibrium and reducing its biodiversity. Imported infectious diseases have contributed to the extinction of many endangered animal species and even of many human tribes and even nations. Animal species extinctions influenced by human activities, including conscious infectious disease spreading through international trade, have been  more numerous than their natural extinction. The artificial colonization of our planet by animal infectious diseases transmissible to man can contribute in the future to start gradual extinction (self-destruction) of Homo sapiens as a biological species !


Internationally organized spread of animal infectious diseases


10. The worse is that international long distance spread of animal infectious diseases is organized  by two intergovernmental organizations outside of the United Nations  structure: World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Office of Epizootics (OIE). The detailed provisions are published in: WTO “Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures”, (hereafter WTO/SPS) coming into effect in 1995 and voluminous “OIE International Animal Health Code” (hereafter OIE Code) for the international trade in animals and animal products (animal commodities), being changed every year (absolute instability) without any risk assessment and issued without necessary official clearance at member country government level. They apply very dangerous  policynot admitting to require infection-free import” and  not admitting to refuse non-infection-free commodity” based on tricky principle Import risk analysis is preferable to a zero risk approach”. Not recognizing infection-free trade, i.e. sanitary wholesome trade and admitting “negative trade effects”, they consciously support only profiting non-infection-free export at the expense of the health and the biosphere in importing countries.


11. Both documents do not know even the terms „healthy animals“ or „healthy animal products“ or “foodborne-infection-free food” orinfection free animal commodity”, etc., i.e. sanitary innocuous without infectious disease agents or at least the termszoonoses-free animal commodity”, “internationally reportable infections’ free animal commodity”, etc. Instead of requiring the export with sanitary quality guarantee,  i.e. what is sanitary guaranteed and what not, controllable by importing countries, they are imposing on them to accept „OIE international veterinary certificates“ of informative value only = guaranteeing nothing ! Both documents are trickily full of uncontrollable „measures calculating only with the export/import of non-infection-free animal commodities. The  basic trick is represented by theoretical non-quantifiable, i.e. speculative, „risk assessment“ required only from importing countries when demanding normal infection-free commodity or better protection than the OIE Code admits. The simplest and logical requirements of importing country for full quality goods, in our case for healthy animals or innocuous animal products, i.e. free of communicable disease pathogens,  need  according to the WTO/SPS and the OIE Code “scientific, transparent, defensible and convincing justification” of risk assessment to be presented to exporting country”. “The risk assessment should be based on the best available information that is in accord with current scientific thinking. The assessment should be well documented and supported with references to the scientific literature and other sources, including expert opinion.”(!?). How can, for example, a poor developing country, being short of almost everything, be able to elaborate something what is absolutely out of  current reality. This method serves only to cheat and discourage importing countries being pushed into defenceless position and to “facilitate import” without  any guarantee of  sanitary innocuousness. The OIE itself has never presented to member country governments any “scientifically justified risk assessment” neither for its Code as a whole nor for its individual  provisions.


12. The same OIE risk assessment procedure is required also in cases when importing country demands specific infectious disease pathogen-free status additionally to very benevolent OIE Code or to be free of infections deliberately eliminated without any risk assessment by the OIE (leptospirosis, paratuberculosis) or to be free of infections not included in the Code (overwhelming majority of the zoonoses including plague, almost all salmonelloses, listeriosis, etc.). This OIE approach means in practice = free spreading through trade of the majority of animal infectious diseases.


13. The documents confirm "anti-sanitary" policy admitting explicitly the import of commodities with pathogens transmissible to man: human health risks to which people voluntarily expose themselves."  !? I have not any doubt that nobody, even the authors of the WTO/SPS and of the OIE Code themselves, would  agree to be voluntarily infected by imported infectious disease agents causing suffering or even the death (and pay for it !). This simple example demonstrates the  perversity of the WTO/SPS and of the OIE Code when requiring the importing countries to sacrifice their health and lives for the profit of exporting country business. The documents demonstrate the unscrupulousness to human health and life !


14. Both organizations have been imposing on importing country to accept  animal commodities without any sanitary quality guarantee  and without their full sanitary innocuousness, i.e. not respecting the health of the consumers and the needs of animal owners. Lack of  sanitary quality grade guarantee means the differentiation of animal commodity prices according to other than sanitary quality, i.e. the export without regard to the health and the biosphere protection in importing countries. The export without sanitary quality guarantee documents makes impossible successful  reclaim in case of infectious disease introduction. Some major exporting countries even subsidize the export of animals and their products, regardless of missing sanitary innocuousness guarantee.


No quality guarantee = no exporting country (exporter) responsibility! No guarantee for sanitary status = no responsibility for sanitary status of exported animals and their products !


15. Thanks to tricky provisions of the above mentioned organizations, neither the animal owners nor the food consumers in the world have been informed that imported animals and food of animal origin have been without any guarantee documents to confirm sanitary quality as far as infection-free status ! In spite of this, the importing countries and the end-users must pay as for full sanitary quality  and cover themselves the losses caused by imported infectious diseases (mortality, morbidity, cost of control/eradication measures – investigations, treatments, vaccinations, sanitation, etc.)! The WTO and the OIE have been doing everything to suppress any information for world public on its infectious disease spreading policy causing disastrous consequences for animal and human  health and life.


16. Both organizations trickily declared that normal logical import requirement for healthy animals and their products is “unjustified non-tariff trade barrier”. In reality, the trade barriers are animal infectious diseases in exporting countries ! No any importing country refuses from sanitary reasons animal commodities in case of official guarantee of being free of infectious diseases agents, i.e. when importing the health (healthy animals, pathogen-free food, incl. sterilized animal products) and not infectious diseases.


17. Both organizations have developed a “clever” system supporting unilaterally profiting exporting countries at the expense of  animal/human life/health, biosphere and UN programmes in importing countries through avoiding sanitary quality guarantee of exported  commodities (unique exception in international trade !) Among the actions of this “system” belong immediate deliberate stop of regular reporting on infectious disease import cases to avoid their analyses and minimizing up to zero: government sanitary on-the-spot control of food chain and of the export (dismantling government/public services); sanitary requirements for imported animal commodities; screening etiological investigations to avoid the risk to discover undesirable true sanitary reality complicating the export; information on internationally reportable animal infectious disease real occurrence in exporting countries, making impossible importing country correct decision on import risk and conditions for avoiding infectious disease introduction; preventive, control and eradication measures, etc.. Instead of necessary strengthening of government/public veterinary services, the OIE not only supported their dismantling but in its Code has even degraded (de facto “erased”) them through not distinguishing between state and private veterinary services not respecting neither their quite different role and responsibility nor the natural conflict of interest between them. The often non-reliable and practically not controllable private services, being without financial responsibility for sanitary quality, have been “promoted” to take over the government role in international trade sanitary aspects. All the above mentioned “actions” have been supported by mass global advertising not to require infection-free import.


18. In no other commodity the quality requirement has been so degraded as in this case. The exporting countries lost the main motivation for intensive infectious disease control and eradication programmes.


19. In order to “facilitate unimpeded trade” the sanitary regulatory and control roles of national governments have been suppressed and the national “doors” opened to supranational exporters. The importing country government  health protective “interference” is even subject to  WTO sanctions, while on the contrary, infection exporting country government is without any international sanction! In the OIE publications it can be found even statements such as ”countries will be excluded of all imports if requiring zero risk importation policy” !?


20. The governments have not yet received neither from the mentioned two organizations nor from  relevant UN organization (FAO) any  analysis of man-made conscious spreading  of the infectious diseases through international trade and of the impacts of WTO/OIE trade policy, i.e. avoiding their evaluation what could reveal the reality - catastrophic consequences.


21. The very bad example of not guaranteeing the infection-free commodities, the international trade “policy” is unfortunately “copied”  by regional (e.g. European Union = Europeanization of infectious diseases thanks also to missing intercountry border control) and national legislation  in almost all the countries and thus multiplying the negative impact on planet life due to WTO/OIE policy. The WTO/OIE provisions serve as the “tip of the iceberg” guiding a huge “pyramid” of mass and daily spreading infectious diseases through national and international trade affecting, without any effective contra-measures, our planet human and animal populations = colonization by infectious disease pathogens.


22. Trade liberalization cannot mean the liberalization of infectious disease spreading!

The trading countries must have the freedom to decide on export/import conditions themselves without any WTO/OIE  dictate  unilaterally favorable to major exporting countries  regardless of sanitary quality and consequences!



Role of the World Trade Organization in infectious disease spreading


23. The WTO/SPS was adopted at GATT ministerial meeting in Marrakesh on 15 April 1994,  as one of the annexes of a big package, thanks to unfair tricks such as deliberately holding back the information on negative sanitary consequences and falsely promising health improvement (in the Preamble there is a very attractive sentence: “desiring to improve the human, animal, … health in all Members;” while in the whole document there is not one provision or even one word dedicated to the health  improvement!). Background information presented to the governments concealed the truth about human health, animal health, biosphere and economic negative consequences. It was a big swindle ! It confused the governments  approving it (in bloc with all other documents as the condition sine qua non for the WTO membership) in good faith in GATT fairness.  The official threat addressed to the governments, either to accept in full the package with all the annexes or not to be the member of the newly established WTO, was a very strong influencing factor. The main authors of  WTO/SPS technical  tricks were obviously the “professionals” linked with the OIE.


24. The WTO/SPS would have never been adopted: if the OIE, as professional intergovernmental organization responsible for animal health protection against infectious diseases, would have insisted on consistent protection of animal population health as required by its original constitution;  if the importing country governments would have been informed about the negative sanitary consequences and about the real purpose = trade admitting disease pathogen export in their countries;  if this problem would have been dealt separately and not as “stuck” annex of  the big GATT package; if the consumers and animal owners of the importing countries would have had the chance to express their view and if the draft would have been subjected to scientific opponent procedure (at least as it is current in the cases of university student theses).


25. Under normal fair conditions the governments of importing countries, mainly developing ones, after being informed about negative sanitary consequences for them, would  never agree with the documents imposing on them the duty to introduce infectious diseases through international trade. No any government of these countries would consciously and voluntarily accept the above mentioned documents dictating to introduce also animals and their products not being free of infectious disease agents causing suffering and deaths of animals and humans and pay for it.



Contrary to basic principles of fair international trade


26. The WTO/SPS and the OIE Code have  neither respected, nor applied, nor required to be applied,  nor admitted to apply the current principles of fair  trade such as:


- Freedom of exporting and importing countries to agree bilaterally  on  trade conditions without any external interference or dictate to importing country to accept offered goods.

- Freedom of paying importing country to select exporting country and to identify the conditions to avoid postimport undesirable problems.

- Full true and transparent information on the exporting commodity quality (what is guaranteed and what not, possible side effects) to be available to importing country to can asses the risks before its decision on the given import and prepare adequate postimport measures (including information for the end-users).

-  Freedom of paying importing country to refuse the offered commodities without any duty to present to exporting country written justification in a form of scientific, convincing and well documented risk assessment and to let foreign experts to evaluate national animal health services.

- Exporting country to present commodity quality guarantee documents (including guarantee period) well justified, convincingly documented (not only a simple information document without legal value) and fully controllable after the import.

- Declaring legibly (labelling, marking) the true quality of the exported commodity in order the importing country and the end-users to be fully informed on the commodity quality and on eventual risks (side effects).

- Paying importing country to have decisive final word about the import permission and conditions without external dictate.

- The price to be adequate to quality grade of the imported commodity.

- The trade contract to include the procedure for the reclaim in case when the commodity doesn’t meet import conditions (incl. covering losses caused by this commodity).

-  International standards according to commodity type.

- Effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties for infringement of fair international commercial practices.



Role of the International Office of Epizootics in infectious disease spreading


27. The OIE was founded in 1924 and up to 1994 represented an organization producing useful recommendations and closely cooperated with the FAO-UN complementing mutually their animal health programmes. The turning point came in 1994/1995. The OIE contributed, from sanitary point of view, to the WTO/SPS document „to facilitate export“ at the expense of importing country health. It took over global FAO animal health information system, abolished common FAO/WHO/OIE Animal Health Yearbook programme minimizing up to zero the role of the FAO and the WHO, significantly reduced regular information on internationally reportable animal infectious disease occurrence (less than before computer era), stopped regular collecting data on animal infectious disease import cases and changed its neutral policy into unilateral in service of major exporting countries. The OIE, again without any justification, logic and replacement, abolished extremely useful numeric classification of animal infections diseases, several times changed and delayed (up to 3 years) global regular animal health information system, overcomplicated it and even eliminated the most useful data on animal infectious disease occurrence and measures and thus confusing importing country decision-making. The OIE has not applied scientific approach based on objective analyses of real sanitary situation and member country governments’ needs as well as has not respected biological laws and particularities.


More information in: (“Global crisis of communicable animal infections' monitoring and surveillance: less information on their occurrence than before computer era = facilitating infections/pathogens spreading through international trade !”)


28. The OIE Code contains detailed sanitary import conditions for the trade in animals and animal products referring to the WTO/SPS. About animal and human health and life decides, instead of the UN and governments themselves, the OIE through a very problematic “consensus”  of only a  group of Chief Veterinary Officers (some obviously influenced or corrupt by exporting lobby) dominated by the representants of the  major exporting countries. These representants push through the sanitary conditions for the importing country limited protection without any scientific, convincing and well documented “risk assessment” not respecting at all the interest to import commodities of full sanitary quality, i.e. without postimport problems. The OIE dominating group has been able to push through their proposals thanks to not democratic system of adoption. The OIE refers (pretends) to the WTO/SPS as being given a “mandate” for the Code provisions. However, nobody has given to the OIE any “mandate” for  causing sufferings and deaths of animals and humans.


29. History doesn’t  know any official international document requiring that purchaser must “scientifically justify” in written the commodity refuse or his import conditions for full sanitary quality. On the contrary, in any fair trade the seller  must try to convince the purchaser about the merchandise quality. Reverse logic and unfair intentions represent the characteristics of the WTO/SPS and the OIE Code.


30. The WTO/SPS converted former useful recommendations of minimal import conditions of the OIE Code into obligatory maximal limit for protective measures not permitting necessary protection without so called "scientific convincing  justification" using nonsense speculative “risk assessment” method. The tragedy is that the Code import conditions (limits) for the importing country health protection have been illogically elaborated and push through (dictated) by the OIE dominating major exporting countries and not logically vice versa by importing countries to decide themselves on import sanitary conditions to protect the health and lives of their populations. The exporting countries decide through the OIE Code on importing countries’ health protection level !?


31. The main new objective of the OIE is according to its Code, to facilitate international trade”, “the unimpeded flow of international trade in animals and animal products…”. For the OIE the trading profit of the major and most influential exporting countries, at the expense of importing country animal and human welfare, health and life, is the first and almost the only priority.


32. One of the confusing components of the OIE Code is represented by so called “International veterinary certificate” for export consisting in superficial information without any official guarantee as far as sanitary status is concerned. The veterinarians, mostly from private service, are usually without government on-the-spot control. The reliability of their signatures can be problematic, similarly as the reliability of their government signatures on international agreements,  resolutions and conventions when not respecting them.


The OIE Code is avoiding the “international veterinary certificate” to be issued by the officers being materially (financially) responsible for guaranteeing sanitary status and for eventual sanitary deficiency = making impossible successful reclaim procedure. According to the OIE Code, the export document issuing “accredited” private veterinarian is not responsible for real sanitary status and has to sign only what he knows (no investigation = no knowledge about existing infection = “fit for export” or “fit for human consumption” !). He can sign what he wants ! According to OIE Code, nobody is responsible for sanitary guarantee of exported animal commodities ! Similar approach can be found in the local trade of the majority of the member countries following the “OIE example”.


Example of the OIE Code texts: “They should not require a veterinarian to certify matters that are outside his-her knowledge or which he-she cannot ascertain and verify.” Certifying veterinarians should only certify matters that are within their own knowledge;”


33. Other OIE Code text: “Certifying veterinarians should have no conflict of interest in the commercial aspects.” Export business and demanding sanitary conditions are normally in conflict of interest what is for the OIE obviously an unknown phenomenon. The OIE, in spite of being intergovernmental organization paid by member country governments, has degraded  government veterinary services (defending animal and human population health) not respecting that private veterinarians have entirely opposite interest and motivation. The OIE Code reflects serious weakness of major exporting country government veterinary services having very limited staff working mainly in offices and spending a lot of time by administrative work, i.e. being not able to control the trade in animals and their products effectively or at all.


Contrary to basic principles of international protection of animal population health


34. The OIE has  neither respected, nor applied, nor required to be applied in its “trade” policy the current principles of  international protection of animal population health such as:


- First, do not harm! Prevention is preferable to fire-brigade approach and to cure.

- The priority of international animal health policy is to protect consistently healthy animals and their herds/populations against the introduction of infections from abroad.

-  Basic principle/requirement is to export infection-free animals and their products.

- To require intensive infectious disease control and eradication activities in exporting countries to be able to export infection-free animal commodities and thus avoiding the “delivery” of infectious disease pathogens into importing countries.

- To support local (national) animal production to maximize the self-sufficiency and thus to avoid  or minimize the need for risky import of animals and their products.

- Not to import risky animal commodities without any guarantee of full sanitary quality (= without  sanitary innocuousness – avoiding all infectious diseases) or without acceptable sanitary guarantee (e.g. avoiding all internationally reportable infections only or avoiding all zoonotic infections only, etc.).

- Not to import animal commodities from countries known as the exporters of infectious diseases.

- To prefer and support animal commodity import from the shortest possible distances (principle of nearness), from one or minimal possible places of origin, to one or minimal possible places of destination and distribution as well as stable export/import relations to minimize the spread of eventually imported infections.

- To prefer and support import from specific infectious disease free countries, territories, localities and herds/flocks without any duty of importing country to apply OIE risk assessment method in case of  import conditions complementary to the Code.

- Not to accept animal commodity without official document on sanitary status guarantee issued by  independent investigative officers, preferably of government service.

 - To respect that every case is different and that there are not two countries, territories and localities with identical animal population health/disease situation (even as far as specific diseases are concerned – types, subtypes, stage of development, etc.) and sanitary measures requiring different  import conditions.

- To respect that animal infectious disease agents are live biological phenomena with their dynamics and variability behaving differently under different conditions requiring flexible import conditions – scientific and practical approach and not rigid stereotypes not respecting biological particularities.

- To understand the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACPP) as a method for only avoiding animal products contaminations (no any filter of pathogens in animal products) not replacing at all the decisive sanitary status and measures at farm level to avoid delivery of infected products.

- To use for etiological investigations of animals and their products the highest possible reliable samplings to avoid the export of pathogens.


More information in my text “The International Office of Epizootics (OIE) – World Organization for Animal Infection Globalization (not admitting to require infection-free import)” in


35. The OIE doesn’t apply normal international legal rules. Without any official high level clearance by member country governments,  “new” OIE “dropped” illegally its original official name «International Office of Epizootics» by self-nominating as ”World Organization for Animal Health”, changed its original duty and priority of the health protection into non-infection-free trade support. Its documents falsely pretend “improving global animal health” in spite of applying exactly the opposite policy. Its legal culture is low confusing even normal terminology, e.g. calling a “questionnaire” as a “standard” or “agreement” as a “law”, etc..


36. The OIE has not been interested at all in the catastrophic consequences of its policyspread and globalization of animal infectious disease. The OIE has not analysed the causes and has done practically nothing to bloc the long distance spreading. On the contrary, it supports without any hesitation the WTO/SPS as its obvious co-initiator and co-author. Actual OIE activities and staff are de facto in service of business and not of health. It seems that there is not the chance to reform this organization. Any cosmetic “corrections” of its policy cannot convert actual OIE into normal organization in full service to animal health. The professional staff rotation is minimal. (Director General post has been occupied from the beginning in 1924 always by a representant of the same major exporting country belonging to OIE dominating ones - historical exception !).


37. The OIE has consciously betrayed its original anti-epizootic duty and basic medical ethical code giving priority to export business over the protection of life and health as well as of biosphere in importing countries. A question arises about the “raison d’être” of this dangerous organization acting against the UN  programmes and being paid by the same governments and taxpayers as the UN. The question is why to have beside the FAO-UN other intergovernmental organization  for the same subject when it acts antagonistically (not complementary as before) and not respecting the UN programmes? The OIE, after the WTO/SPS, almost excluded the UN, i.e. the FAO and the WHO from necessary influence on sanitary conditions for international trade in animals and their products and on global animal health information system.


More information, including  a list of relevant texts and statistics, can be found in attached copy of the letter sent to Dr Achim  Steiner, UNEP Executive Director. Detailed information  and examples can be found in:




38. Thank to immense size of exported non-infection-free animals and their products, supported by the mentioned intergovernmental organizations, the global health situation of animal and human populations is becoming every day worse, damaging more and more our planet biosphere and relevant UN programmes. The world is slowly heading towards man-made global ecological and sanitary irreparable disasters without any global contra-measures. Continuing worldwide man-made long-distance (incl. inter-continental) mass spreading of infectious diseases through trade, not being blocked by effective measures, represents serious threat to our planet biosphere future. The WTO/OIE policy has caused incalculable millions of sufferings and deaths of animals and humans  due to imported infectious disease agents.


39. To support profiting export of animals and animal products regardless of their sanitary quality, the WTO has “sacrificed” in its WTO/SPS the principles of fair international trade.  The WTO/SPS began the “new” trade anti-sanitary, anti-biosphere and anti-UN policy that has caused catastrophic consequences. Therefore, it must be abolished as soon as possible! In this context, there is an urgent need for international revision of the WTO/SPS and declare it without any delay as nullified !  It should be useful to analyze  the circumstances under which it was adopted to avoid similar criminal tricks in the future.


Note: Justification of the abolition of the WTO/SPS "Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures" was sent to Dr Mike  Moore, Director-General, World Trade Organization  on 31 January 2001. Text copy can be found in


40. The OIE, similarly,  to support profiting export of animals and animal products regardless of their sanitary quality, has sacrificed basic principles of international protection of animal population health and principles of medical ethical code, instead of applying much more demanding import sanitary provisions corresponding to new trade globalization conditions. Every organization is evaluated according to the impacts of its activities in practice and not according to number of documents, theoretical papers, meetings and missions. The OIE, not fulfilling its original anti-epizootic duty, is professionally and morally responsible for internationally and consciously organized spread of infectious diseases damaging seriously global animal and human health, biosphere and several UN programmes, i.e. for  actual catastrophic irreparable colonization of our planet populations by animal infectious diseases pathogens.


Unifying international animal health agenda, under only one intergovernmental organization within the UN structure, will improve international coordination, trade control and anti-epizootic actions. Additionally to this, it will save government/taxpayer money.


41. Both mentioned international organizations have given up the basic duties of  their constitutions in the interest of a small group of very influential major exporting countries and supranational business. The historically incredible policy based on dirty tricks and pressure on importing country governments is even  secured by WTO sanctions in the cases when applying normal fair trade and health protection principles and not the WTO/OIE  infectious disease spreading dictate!


42. The best solution will be the United Nations to take over in full the international protection of biosphere and  health, i.e. also against animal infectious disease spreading and globalization through international trade. This so important global role cannot be left with any irresponsible organization, acting contra global population health and contra United Nations efforts, having not any intention, is spite of warnings, to stop their unacceptable biosphere destructive policy and being without any effective international control.


43. The FAO has the responsibility for global animal health protection within the UN system. Therefore, it should be logical the FAO to cover all the spectrum of global animal health policy in the context with other UN programmes, i.e. including sanitary problems of international trade in animals and animal products to avoid long distance (not only local transboundary) spreading of animal infectious diseases. The FAO animal health agenda must, unlike actual OIE, fully respect the principles of fair international trade and the principles of consistent international protection of animal population health. Unifying animal health international policy under the FAO will contribute to necessary coordination of  international  organizations dealing with animal health. It will contribute to more effective animal health protection management, to the transparency of information on infectious disease occurrence and measures,  to better international control giving priority to the qualitative aspects guaranteeing sanitary innocuousness of animal commodity export, supporting biosphere protection and to stop wasting government/taxpayer money for second - doubling - intergovernmental organization dealing with animal health.


44. The FAO, to meet the requirements of the first duty according to its Constitution, Article I “Functions of the Organization”, paragraph 1. “The Organization shall collect, analyse, interpret and disseminate information related to nutrition, food and agriculture.”, must take back the global animal health information system  lost in 1996 under very strange circumstances and adjust it to actual reality and to member country government needs.


45. The world public and all governments to be informed on the above described unacceptable situation, conducing to animal infectious disease spread and globalization through international trade, damaging our planet biosphere and several UN programmes! The importing country governments and the end-users must be fully and truly informed about officially guaranteed sanitary status of imported animals and their products, i.e. what is guaranteed and what not (free of all or of only some infectious disease agents). The quality requirement is absolutely normal in any other commodity! The sanitary guarantee has been illogically eliminated by the WTO and  the OIE establishing the policy “guaranteeing nothing” the users not to be informed on sanitary quality of imported animals and animal products. This has been one of the tricks to “facilitate export” at the expense of the health in importing countries.


46. It must not be allowed that the WTO and OIE documents and provisions supporting animal infectious disease spreading through trade, causing incalculable numbers of sufferings and deaths of animals and humans, to continue to be valid. This is the first precondition to stop organizing international spread of infectious diseases through trade.


47. The man-made spread of the zoonoses through the trade can in the future significantly contribute to the situation when among endangered biological species will appear even Homo sapiens.



Recommendations for your consideration



In the interest of our planet life protection, including mankind surviving, there is an urgent need to stop without any delay internationally organized spread of infectious diseases damaging global health, biosphere and several  UN programmes. Therefore, I would like to recommend to you, as to the highest officer of the UN, following actions:


a)  To suggest UN Security Council and General Assembly relevant international measures against invisible biological danger of infectious diseases’ global colonization for our planet health,  biosphere and  mankind surviving.


a) To write a letter to Director General, World Trade Organization (WTO) asking him to abolish (to declare as nullified) without any delay the WTO/SPS "Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures" representing the start and backbone of internationally organized spread of infectious diseases damaging seriously global animal and human health, biosphere and several UN programmes. It doesn’t respect at all basic principles of fair international trade (e.g. historical  exception not admitting trade in full quality commodities). This document was adopted by the governments thanks only to several GATT/WTO tricks such as concealed key background  information on the risk for health and biosphere in importing countries. Normal principles of fair trade should be sufficient also for international trade in animals and their products.


b) To write a letter to Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), who is responsible also for UN animal health policy, to cover his duty in full, i.e. to cover all intergovernmental animal health agenda, including sanitary aspects of international trade in animals and their products (import conditions) and reestablish global animal health information system. It is supposed that the FAO, unlike the OIE, will respect fully international fair trade principles and will apply consequently the principles of international protection of human and animal population health (first of all to avoid infectious disease man-made long distance transmissions).


c) To ask Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to take over the problems related to pathogenic microflora as an integral component of the biosphere and to establish adequate infrastructure and programme starting with monitoring infectious disease spreading and globalization as the basis for follow-up control actions in cooperation with the FAO and the WHO.


d) To ask UN  Department of Public Information (DPI) to inform world public through international mass media about the health risk represented by animals and their products imported without necessary reliable sanitary guarantee and to recommend the end-users, consumers and animal owners, to require imported animal commodities to be accompanied by  documents or marked/labelled confirming their sanitary status.


e) To recommend member country governments to strengthen significantly the government animal health services to be able to cope effectively with the problems related to infectious disease spreading through trade, i.e. to protect consistently the biosphere and human/animal population health and life against these diseases.


The health and the biosphere are  serious matters touching all inhabitants of our planet. I am convinced that the United Nations Organization doesn’t want to be blamed by the next generations  for letting  global biosphere and population health/life to be irreparably damaged by  conscious man-made spreading of the infectious diseases.


 Real security of our planet is closely associated with the protection of the biosphere (Al Gore)


Primum non nocere !


Please, could you acknowledge receipt of this letter? Thanks.




          Yours sincerely,








                                               Prof. MVDr Václav  K o u b a, DrSc.


                                               Former Chief,  Animal Health Service,

                                               Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


                                               Address: P.B. 516, 17000 Praha 7,  Czech Republic







Dr Achim  Steiner, UNEP Executive Director

Dr Al Gore, Former US Vice President


Attachment: Copy of my letter sent  to Dr Achim  Steiner, UNEP Executive Director